It's Monday and we are getting ready to drive Gracie into Palm Desert to see a veterinary specialist.
She had not improved by Friday morning so we made a run into Brawley (about 65 miles away) to see a vet - the nearest one. X-rays all but confirmed a torn ACL. That requires surgery and the Brawley vet was not able to do that type of proceedure. He recommended a clinic in Palm Desert that has a vet who is current on the latest techniques. We made a call Saturday morning and set up a consultation for 11:00am today. Palm Desert is about 2 hours away. With luck, we can get her scheduled for the operation as soon as Wednesday. If so we will come back here to Borrego Springs for our last night and move to an RV park close to the animal hospital tomorrow.
Won't know until we talk to the specialist exactly what will happen or when, so what I just said could change. Poor Gracie. She seems so depressed. She is able to put slight pressure on her bad knee and can "do her business" as long as we lift her in and out of the Rv (thank God). Otherwise she just lays down and looks at us with those sad eyes.
So, got to finish and go to Palm Desert.
I'll put a few pictures below but they are just from the RV resort. We have been unable to leave Gracie to do anything for ourselves. We did opt to stay in the dry camping parking lot instead of the spot we had reserved for 4 days starting yesterday. The parking lot is far better than the "hired help" area. Put the HDTV on the side of the RV and watched the Super Bowl outside. It got to 82 yesterday and with the game starting at 3:30 local time we saw the first half in the sun and the second half with the sun setting. It stayed warm enough to finish the game, but did need to put some warmer clothes on.
Ellen fixed a "killer" dinner of lamb and mashed potatoes with guacamole & grilled tortilla chips for an appetizer.
Pictures wouldn't load. Out of time to retry. I'll try again tonight after we get back.
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