The Weather We Left Behind

THE WEATHER WE LEFT BEHIND Click for Elkhart, Indiana Forecast

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Elkhart to Sikeston, MO

We did leave today! Yea!
Got out at 8:30am.
Really tough getting Ellen out of bed so early but I got it done without any physical abuse from her (yet).
Weather today was great for travel and roads were clear and dry.
A repeat of last year, we drove 475 miles to Sikeston, MO.
No snow here and 42 when we arrived at 4:00 pm local time (Central).
Some nasty "stuff" in the forecast for tomorrow but we will be out of here before it arrives.
Celebrated our first day "on the road" with a shot of Crown Royal Black (thank you Lindsey) when we arrived at the campground.  Not our last drink of the night, however!
Dinner tonight is a still a work in progress.  Ellen won't let me ask any questions about what she is serving so I am just drinking wine and tyring to stay awake long to eat and still finish this post. 
Plan is to get to Texarcana tomorrow for Christmas Eve.  Nothing to stay there for, so if weather is good will continue on to Galveston Island State Park on Christmas Day and hope weather is good enough for us stay awhile.
Nothing broke down today - great news while RV'ing.
You don't want to see pictures of Sikeston, MO so I won't post any.
