The Weather We Left Behind

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Thursday, January 20, 2011


Hello again,
Here is the story -
I lost my phone and my computer on the same day - just minutes apart.
Not that I physically lost them, I dropped my phone at a car wash and it never came back to life after that, and 60 minutes later when I tried to get online I discovered my computer hard drive had a "fatel error" and I have not been able to recover from it.
So, at this time, I have lost pictures stored on my computer since last posting.
Currently using Ellens computer, but all my pictures were downloaded to mine. In addition, I just discovered all my DirecTV recorded programs were "erased".
I don't know what is going on here, but something is not right.

In a "nutshell", we drove up to a mountain town on Monday because it was supposed to be "cool", both literally and physically.  It was cool literally, but not cool physically.  We talked to families who had come up for the snow but it was 70 degrees.  Really a warm spell here and we are happy for it.  The kids who were looking for snow were not.

Tuesday late afternoon we drove up a "wash" (no road - just a river bed) to Font's Point here in Anza-Borrego to watch the full moon rise on one side of the point as the sun set on the other.  Really a nice evening as we took wine and lawn chairs to enjoy the event, but somewhat an advenutre in a non-4-wheel drive vehicle - lots of deep, loose sand to negotiate up the hill but we made it.  Bad news is we may have lost the pictures due to the computer hard drive failure.  This is a 4-wheelers paradise!  Not quite so for our Honda.  Lot's of 4-wheel trails (about 400 miles worth) but most of them are off limits to us.

Wednesday we hiked up Palm Canyon in record setting heat around here.  It was hot but fortunately only a 3 hour round-trip.  Left the dogs in the RV "air-conditioned" because they are not allowed on trails in this park.  They could not have made it anyway.  Tonight turned out to be the actual "full moon" and we do have pictures not lost as they are still in the camera.  Too much going on tonight (Thursday)with too little time, so pictures that we did not loose will be posted tomorrow (Friday).

Today (Thursday) we drove 100 miles one way to Oceanside, CA to visit a State Park with oceanfront camping and check out the drivability of the roads for RV travel.  Found the Pacific Ocean!  Did not like the park we were looking at, but found one 10 miles south that had better beach access and had a dog beach nearby.  We may go, but it's expensive for beachfront camping with no water or electricity - $50.00 / night.  But what a view!  And what a traffic mess!  We may go, we may not.  Roads are passable but not easy.  We still have 10 days here in Borrego to decide if it's worth while to spend the money and  time in Oceanside.

I did have time to find a Verizon store to buy a new phone but not time to find a computer repair shop.  I'm back "online" with my phone, but not so with the computer.  Borrego Springs is not a town to shop for electronics so I'll have to make due with Ellen's computer for blogging,  But, all my "Stuff" is on my own hard drive.

Getting too late to continue.  Will do what I can to post pictures not lost in the morning.