The Weather We Left Behind

THE WEATHER WE LEFT BEHIND Click for Elkhart, Indiana Forecast

Sunday, February 20, 2011

DAY 60

Never got the video to play on the last posting.  I took it with my phone because I forgot to take the camera and somehow it wouldn't load to the computer as a video - just a single frame.  But try clicking here - I may have got it.

So, update on Gracie.  But first a thank you to all for your get well wishes for her.

She stopped eating the "special" food Friday night completely after some small amounts Friday mid-day.  Couldn't even "fool" her by putting some crumbled treats in it.  Even tried warming it up with chicken broth but she saw through our tricks.  Those attempts were approved by the vet, but he said NO regular food!  After 30 hours with nothing we "balled" some of the special stuff up and gently placed it in the back of her mouth.  She spit it out at us with a look on her face that said "come on, I'm not going to eat that shit, don't shove it down my throat".

So we called the vet yesterday late morning and left a message for him to call us (he told us to do so if we had any problems over the weekend).  We didn't want to wait until our next appointment to address a possible change to her feeding instructions.  After waiting 5 or 6 hours and no return call, we started feeding her dog treats and a little of her regular food.  She ate!

Dr finally called early evening and after giving him an update said to go ahead and give her whatever she will eat - just not too much.  So that is what we have been doing and she is doing well with it.  She seems to us to be a little more alert, more interested in what is going on (a lot of dogs going by), and wanting to spend more time outside.  Good girl, Gracie!

Rain has run its course after more of it last night and the sky is blue again today.  Little cooler (65), but the 10 day forecast is all sunshine and warming into the 70's.  A lot of snow fell in the surrounding mountains - it's really pretty as long as it stays in the mountains.

Dr visit at 8:00am tomorrow for blood work.  We are confident she will not have to spend any more "overnights" in the hospital.  Looking for a "go" for surgery soon.

Park view this morning to the east from our site

Gracie is on alert this morning watching everything going on - just like her mom does.  Isabelle is always getting her beauty rest.

This is looking out our front window.  It's not a view to die for, but at least we are not looking at the front or rear end of another RV.  It is the park office and pool area.

 Another picture of Gracie wanting to see what's happening while Isabelle is sleeping.  As you can see, she is looking more like her normal self.