The Weather We Left Behind

THE WEATHER WE LEFT BEHIND Click for Elkhart, Indiana Forecast

Saturday, February 12, 2011


Gracie seems to coping with her leg injury as well as can be expected.
She exhibits moments of her "old self" at times and that is really encouraging.
However, about all she cares to do in the way of movement is to hobble across the street to an empty site to do her "business".

Talked to the vet twice yesterday (Friday). Once they called just to check up on how Gracie was doing without the medication, and the second call was to tell us the Dr would be able to go online Sunday night to see if he would need to show up for jury duty on Monday.  If he does not have to go in on Monday he will call us ASAP on Sunday and will do the surgery first thing Monday morning.  Yea!!

We really felt bad the aspirin we gave her prevented an earlier surgery, even two days sooner than planned will make us all feel better,  and Gracie will be two days closer to recovery.

Drove around the area yesterday (Desert Hot Springs, Thousand Palms, Indio, Coachella, La Quinta, Palm Desert, Cathedral City, and Palm Springs) just to see how the rich an famous live.  Lots of Rolls Royces, Bentleys, ?????, and Mercedes are a dime a dozen.  Golf courses everywhere!  And views beyond description.  I was hoping to see a lot of young, beautiful women (forget the cars) but all I saw was old women driving beautiful young cars.

We drove past our next RV park so stopped in to have a look at our new home come Monday.  It's a wonderful resort, with all the ammenities, and we have a grassy campsite for Gracie to relax after her surgery.  We will be there for a guaranteed six night stay and we are on the list for an additional four if anything opens up.  We made a dry run to the vet from there just to "nail down" our route, but with the news we got yesterday about a possible Monday morning surgery we will drive her in on Monday morning (about 30 minutes from here), come back to pack up, and then move to the new spot.

I will make an effort to take some pictures of this area and post tonight or tomorrow so you can get a feel of the area, but we are not doing anything in the way of walks or hikes or siteseeing as we don't want to leave Gracie alone.

That's it for now.  Our weather has remained perfect.  I see yours is warming up next week and maybe will melt all the snow.

Thanks for checking in.