The Weather We Left Behind

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Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 47 update

Spent two hours in consultation with the veterniary specialist today.  He was very through and patient and we did not feel as though he was trying to pressure us into anything.  He has been specializing in TPLO (tibial plateau leveling osteotomy) for 10 years. We decided to schedule the surgery with him but can not get in until a week from Wednesday at the earliest.  I gave Gracie aspirin to help her with pain and that was a mistake if surgery is to be performed within 8-10 days.  He doubted he could have scheduled her this Wednesday anyway but it might have been possible if not for the aspirin I gave her.  Too big a chance for excessive bleeding while on aspirin.

And Monday, he has been called to jury duty.  He is fairly confident he will "get out of it" due to his profession but will not know for sure until then.  So for now, we wait for the green light on Monday.  If Gracie gets in next Wednesday she will spend the night with the doctor and we will be able to bring her home on Thursday.  The Doctor actually spends the night with his patients to insure all goes well.  Unbelieveable!

Will need to return for a two week follow-up and stich removal appointment so we are not sure of our plans for the immediate future.  We also need to return after two months for a final evaluation of the proceedure.  Not really too sure about anything at this time.  Kind of a sharp blow to our trip (and finances).  But a small consolation is if we have to "hang out" anywhere for two months to "fix" Gracie, there is no better weather to be found.  It's not that we can't leave the immediate area, just need to pass through here on our way home.  So we will still explore California, but our range will be limited so we can return for the final evaluation.  However, there may be some options for the final evaluation if we simply do not want to return here if we can at least get to another "Board Certified" vet approved by our chosen Doctor.

Anyway, we will work it all out.

Pictures are loading tonight so here they are:

One sad camper

Sorry to bore you with our "views" from the campground, but we have not been able to do much except drive to dog doctors.  Getting back "home" to this is very comforting.

The edge of our overflow parking lot campsite

Saturday night sunset

The limit of Gracie's world.  We can "set" her out in the sand but she can't (won't) go anywhere so we sit out there with her.

Looking back at the park office from our "perch"

Good Night!


  1. OMG! Poor Gracie. Give her a big kiss and hug. We will all be thinking good thoughts for her.

  2. Dear Jim & Ellen, Soooooo Sorry you both have to go through this, Gracie too. Poor baby just know what's going to happen to her. It will be harder on you. You're in my thoughts. Sister Beth
