The Weather We Left Behind

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Saturday, February 26, 2011


Sent to us by Wendy Bennett -

A Dog's Purpose (from a 6-year-old).
Being a veterinarian, I had been called to examine a ten-year-old Irish Wolfhound named Belker.
I examined Belker and found he was dying of cancer. I told the family we couldn't do anything for Belker, and offered to perform the euthanasia procedure for the old dog in their home
The next day, I felt the familiar catch in my throat as Belker’s family surrounded him. The little boy Shane seemed so calm, petting the old dog for the last time, that I wondered if he understood what was going on.
Within a few minutes, Belker slipped peacefully away.The little boy seemed to accept Belker's transition without any difficulty or confusion. We sat together for a while after Belker's death, wondering aloud about the sad fact that animal lives are shorter than human lives. Shane, who had been listening quietly, said ''I know why.''
Shane said, ''People are born so that they can learn how to live a good life -- like loving everybody all the time and being nice, ''He continued, "Well, dogs already know how to do that, so they don't have to stay as long.''

Friday, February 25, 2011

DAY 65

It's Friday around Noon.

Gracie's condition took a big turn for the worse yesterday.  It's like she hit a wall!
We were so hopeful after the drive Wednesday and the new food she began eating.  But she just lost her will to fight anymore. She "told" us yesterday and again last night that she was ready to go to the Rainbow Bridge to wait for us.  She stopped eating and drinking despite our efforts to coax her to try.

We got in touch with the vet last night about 6:30 and we arranged to move the Monday tests up to today.
After talking with him and his nurse for two hours we all came to the conclusion that it would not do any good to run any more tests - she was not improving after 11 days of trying.  Treatment was not working!  The kidneys were simply too damaged to stop there decline.  With her bad knee and inability to walk for three weeks, she was loosing muscle mass which in turn was putting more and more protein in her system, stressing the kidneys even more.  It was like a viscious circle - can't fix the knee until kidneys stabilize, without the knee fixed she loses muscle, losing muscle further damages the kidneys.

She fought the good fight and never complained about all the poking and prodding and injections and medications. It is with great sadness that we honored her wishes and put our Gracie to sleep at 11:30 this morning.  We both were holding her and comforting her as her pain finally came to an end.  We love you Grace!

Thank you for all the support given to us in this three week ordeal.

That's all we are able say right now.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

DAY 64

10:00am Thursday.

We were so upbeat about Gracie yesterday morning after such a good day Tuesday, but the first half of the day did not go so well.  She refused to eat yet again!  She began hacking several days ago and it appeared to be getting worse and some fluid was coming up.  Not vomit, just some fluid.  We were so down after being so up at the start of the day.

Good news, though, she began "perking up" later in the day.  The vet called to check her progress and we gave him all our worries.  He said the hacking and fluid and even a dripping nose were good signs as it meant she was getting a full dose of fluids - needed to clean out the kidneys.  Not to worry!

He also had a sample of a different kidney support food for us to try.  We loaded the girls up in the car and went for a drive to kill two hours before our scheduled appointment to pick up, not only the food samples, but another week's worth of medicines and IV fluid bags.  He wants to "stay the course" at least until Monday when he will do another blood workup.  Anyway, Gracie had her head out the window almost the entire trip.  She so loved to be out of the RV "prison".

Last night with fingers crossed we gave her some of the new dog food.  SHE ATE IT!  Still took a little trickery with a morsel of boiled chicken, but she actually somewhat likes it and even licked our fingers (we have to kind of ball it up for her into little bite sized pieces because it is a canned food).

This morning she continued to eat the new food, even some without the chicken.  Once again we are on a "high" about her condition.  The eating will be extremely beneficial if she has any hope to beat this problem and we are thrilled at this moment.  She ate some more a few hours later before taking one of her meds that needs some food in the stomach. Big test will come Monday with the blood work.  If after two weeks of Vet and home care of the aggressive therapy and no improvement of the kidney function then that would mean no surgery to fix the knee and some big decisions to be made by us about the quality of Gracie's future.

But for now - we are very hopeful the results will be great on Monday!  What else can we do?

Her Rx regiment requires 9 separate treatments each day along with multiple small "feedings" (that may be a lot easier now if she continues to accept the new food) leaving us without much time to get anything else done.  So time is flying.

Weather continues to be a bright spot for us.  Cool down and rain on the way for Saturday and Sunday, but warming into the 80's next week.

This area is truly "Country Club" valley.  Literally miles and miles of streets with one golf course community after another.  If Gracie continues to get better we will take more drives and take more pictures to share the opulence of the lifestyle out here for those who are "in the money" (there are a lot of them).

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


It's Wednesday morning we can report that yesterday was, indeed, a better day for Gracie.

Someting is working!  Meds, IV, eating, maybe all three.
She (and we) handled the three fluid injections without any problems.  Hard to stick that big needle into her neck, but she does not seem to even notice it.

Sometime yesterday she began eating both her chicken AND the rice.  In fact, she licked her bowl clean the last three feedings (we don't give her too much at any one time).  She ate one whole "goodie".  She "snapped" at the chicken pieces we planted her pills in.  She drank water.  She was alert most of the day and not simply sleeping.  And while we were eating dinner, she actually got up off the sofa and came to the table to beg for food!  Now thats the Gracie we know.
What a change in 24 hours!

The Dr ordered in several samples of "approved" food for kidney issue patients but did not hear from him yesterday.  But as long as Gracie is eating chicken and brown rice, chicken and brown rice it is!

More later today if anything changes.  Otherwise I'll update tomorrow morning re todays progress.

Thanks for checking in on her.

Monday, February 21, 2011

DAY 61

OK Vince, here is your update.  If you would have stayed awake long enough tonight you would have had it today (Monday).

Took Gracie in this morning at 8 for bloodwork to see how she was doing off the IV and the the round-the-clock emergency care she was receiving last Monday thru Friday.  As the Dr said "good news - bad news".  Good news is she has not vomited since last Thursday and seems very alert. She has to eat though. Per the Dr. we have changed her diet to brown rice, boiled chicken breast and a little chicken broth.

Bad news is the blood work continues to be more negative.  Her best numbers occured early after her first 24 hours on the IV last Monday/Tuesday.  Significant improvement after the initial day. Dr was worried taking her off of it for the weekend might cause numbers to go the wrong way. They did!

So we left the office this morning (with Gracie) not knowing what we would do next.  More specialized treatment is available in San Diego or LA but very, very costly.  They can put a dog on  dialysis but as the Dr. put it "we might as well plan on getting a second home near the hospital".  It would be  lifelong treatment and doesn't always work. Every situation is different.

I can't give you all the options we considered today for our next step, but the Dr. called us around 5:00pm and said there was a more affordable treatment he thought of.  He said it bothers him when he can't fix a problem and he came up with something we can do ourselves without the cost of hospitalization for Gracie - subcutaneous injection.  We do that ourselves - basically give her the IV three times a day at home (motor home).  He offered  to set us up tonight if we could come in soon.  We went in, got our instructions, gave her the first 500ml of subcutaneous injection of fluid under the  nurse's watchful eye, and out the door after passing the test.  We'll repeat  that injection here "at home" three times each of the next two days without the expense of hospitalization and 24 hour care.  And maybe for an even longer period if results are positive.  After this morning's news we were really depressed, but how have hope that an alternative plan of treatment has formalized. One that she would have to be on for the rest of her life.

Day by day, that's all we can do.  Gracie really seemed to have a good day today.  We are planning on an even better one tomorrow.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

DAY 60

Never got the video to play on the last posting.  I took it with my phone because I forgot to take the camera and somehow it wouldn't load to the computer as a video - just a single frame.  But try clicking here - I may have got it.

So, update on Gracie.  But first a thank you to all for your get well wishes for her.

She stopped eating the "special" food Friday night completely after some small amounts Friday mid-day.  Couldn't even "fool" her by putting some crumbled treats in it.  Even tried warming it up with chicken broth but she saw through our tricks.  Those attempts were approved by the vet, but he said NO regular food!  After 30 hours with nothing we "balled" some of the special stuff up and gently placed it in the back of her mouth.  She spit it out at us with a look on her face that said "come on, I'm not going to eat that shit, don't shove it down my throat".

So we called the vet yesterday late morning and left a message for him to call us (he told us to do so if we had any problems over the weekend).  We didn't want to wait until our next appointment to address a possible change to her feeding instructions.  After waiting 5 or 6 hours and no return call, we started feeding her dog treats and a little of her regular food.  She ate!

Dr finally called early evening and after giving him an update said to go ahead and give her whatever she will eat - just not too much.  So that is what we have been doing and she is doing well with it.  She seems to us to be a little more alert, more interested in what is going on (a lot of dogs going by), and wanting to spend more time outside.  Good girl, Gracie!

Rain has run its course after more of it last night and the sky is blue again today.  Little cooler (65), but the 10 day forecast is all sunshine and warming into the 70's.  A lot of snow fell in the surrounding mountains - it's really pretty as long as it stays in the mountains.

Dr visit at 8:00am tomorrow for blood work.  We are confident she will not have to spend any more "overnights" in the hospital.  Looking for a "go" for surgery soon.

Park view this morning to the east from our site

Gracie is on alert this morning watching everything going on - just like her mom does.  Isabelle is always getting her beauty rest.

This is looking out our front window.  It's not a view to die for, but at least we are not looking at the front or rear end of another RV.  It is the park office and pool area.

 Another picture of Gracie wanting to see what's happening while Isabelle is sleeping.  As you can see, she is looking more like her normal self.

Saturday, February 19, 2011


Day 59

Too much going on yesterday to update as promised.
We did get our Gracie home at 9:30am.  Got the go-ahead to move into the unclaimed site so had to pack up and move.  And simply spent most of the remaining day seeing to her needs (and our needs to see, hold, and love her).

She is off the IV for now but on four separate meds to compensate - plus a special food for kindey diseased dogs.
She really does not like it and only eats nibbles of it if we hand feed it to her and "spice" it up a little with crumbs of doggie treats or chicken broth.  She seems very interested in the treats or our human food so I know she is hungry - she just won't eat the food she is allowed.  We have strict instructions to NOT give her what she wants - only what she has been prescribed.  The good part of this is she has kept down what little she has eaten.

She sleeps most of the time but does watch us if we are moving around the RV.  She does go to the door when she needs to "go out" - that's good!  If left out too long, however, she shivers - we think because she is weak and it's just too cool (for her) to simply lay still outside.  Once back inside she is fine.

She goes back to the vet on Monday morning for blood work to check her progress.  If stable or improving the Dr said she could have her knee repaired as early as late next week or the first of the following - about Feb 28th.

Gracies vet and his staff are unbelieveable.  She really is getting "star" treatment from them - 24 hour a day care while in their care - but we are in Palm Springs after all!

We walked in the door yesterday to pick her up and they had three large photos of her on the counter top.  You'll see them below.  The Doctor spent a great deal of time with us giving specific instructions (all typed out as well) for her med schedule and why she was needing each one.  He even followed up later in the day with a phone call to check her condition.

It's now 8:30am Saturday and so she has had her 7am and 8am meds.  She ate very little - only what I dosed with a little bit of goodie crumbs, but at least she ate something - and so far has kept everything down for 48 hours.  Great news.

For now our plans are to stay here in Indio -Palm Springs- (oh darn) for the next 30 days and ride this thing with Gracie out to its conclusion.  We are in a nice RV "resort" with pavement and grass - no dirt anywhere!  Pool, hot tub, exercise room, and close to anything and everything you could ever dream of.  With Gracie now with us we feel quite relieved, but still apprehensive about what may be in store for her in the future.  When we leave here we hope to be heading home with a happy and healthy girl.  Gracie can live with her damaged kidneys if we keep them stabilized with a very strict diet, and repairing her knee will allow her a fairly normal life after recovery and therapy.

Almost everyone here in the park knows about Gracie and they check up on her often.  She is a star!  That makes Ellen jealous because she is no longer the center of attention.

Thanks for all your concern and support!

Pictures follow.  But only a few.  It actually rained yesterday and most of the night and still cloudy today, so I won't take pictures of our new home until the sky is blue again.  They told us it never rains here!  Oh well.  It actually was kind of nice - reminded us of home.

The first three pictures were on the counter sitting in a picture holder at the vets' office when we picked her up:

this caption reads "What, me worry?  I'm Gracie!"

this one says "I love rabbits.  Thanks Mom and Dad!"
Wednesday when we learned she wasn't coming home for a few days we took her 'baby" to stay with her.

this one simply says "Smiling Gracie"

she's home at last

this one is a video of her coming out of the hospital with "Rocky" the rabbit but I can't get it to play right now.  I'll fix it later.

Friday, February 18, 2011


It's Friday morning of day 58.

Gracie is coming home, at least for the weekend.  We are picking her up at 9:30am.
Talked to the Dr last night and he gave us a not so favorable update.
Gracie really looks and is acting well - outwardly.
It's just her kidneys are not functioning properly.

The initial treatment on Monday resulted in great improvement by Tuesday morning. She held her food down all day (although they did not feed her much), but further treatment Tues, Wed, and Thu indicated no further change (and she vomited once Wed and once again yesterday).  Dr says all signs point to chronic kidney failure.
So at this time - ???

She has been on an I.V. all week.  Today it is being removed.  We will be giving her a special diet and lots of liquid.  Monday morning we take her back for one more blood test.  If she is stable or improving we will just keep her and ride it out for awhile and hopefully get her knee repaired.  Dr said he can do the surgury even with the kidney issue as long as he is aware of her condition (and he obviously is).

A positive for us, with this wait and see stance, is that there has been a no-show here at the RV park we are presently located.  We are first in line to get it and are going to do so when the office opens at 8:00am.  It's a 30 day opening in an otherwise full park.  And everything else in the area is basically full as well - it's prime season!  We were going to have to leave the area Sunday but now we are here to stay.

So we will be close to the vet/surgeon and play out our options. One of which is the knee repair if the Dr thinks it wise to do so in a week or two assuming Gracie improves or at least stabilizes.  Then with a required two week follow-up after surgery for stitch removal we will still be here. 

But the ultimate question will be - should we repair our girl's knee and put her through such a long physical recovery if she may not even survive the kidney issue?  We just don't know.  She could live two weeks or two years or more with the kidney problem depending on if she declines, stabilizes, or improves.

At this point, it's just one day at a time.  We are very happy just to be getting her home today and will hope for the best.

I'll take pictures of her homecoming and post them later.

Thank you all for your concern for our girl.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Wednesday Update on Gracie

Here we are in day 56 already! Very hard to believe.

But all our attention is on Gracie now.

Dr had to show up for jury duty this morning.
More blood work done late morning at the clinic to check Gracie's progress, but had to wait for Dr to "read" results.  He called around 3:00pm and said he was "released" for the day but wanted to see us in person once he got back to the office.  Obviously we were in a panic.
Had to wait until 4:15pm to meet with him for the update.
Very hard time for us with all the scenerios playing through our minds.

Had our meeting.  Results were not improving to his satisfaction. Positive progress yesterday, mixed results today.  He called his "mentor" in Colorado for a confirmation of his diagnosis based on the results.  Consensus is that Gracie has had an ongoing kidney problem for years that finally came to a critical stage "chronic kidney failure".  Why, no one can know for sure?  But the "blown" knee was not a help.  She was heading to serious kidney problems and the stress of the knee injury is thought to have put her in a critical condition. 

Good news is she is better than Monday, and may not have survived delayed treatment. So we still have her.  Outwardly she is her old self.  Inwardly, not in such good shape - yet.  And we still have the knee problem to deal with if she survives the kidney issue.  But she can live with the knee problem - not the kidney problem if not resolved or treated properly.

After the vet consultation we visited with Gracie for the first time since Monday morning.  Can't even describle what a beautiful "reunion" that was.  She was sooooooo happy to see us and we were soooooo happy to see her.  We brought  her latest toy (a rabbit we named Rocky) and she grabbed him and wouldn't let him go.  He is staying the night with her.

Bottom line - Gracie is yet tonight in the hospital (24 hour care and attention), and tomorrow as well.  We are going to bring her home Friday morning after her blood work is checked.  If things are bad, we are coming home. If things are good, we have so much invested at this time we will wait out a week of "strengthening" for her, and then do the knee surgery.  Followed by a two week wait for a follow up visit and stitch removal.  Then probably heading home. We will keep you all updated as we know more. Thank you for your concern and blessings.

Really have not been a picture taking mood lately, but I did snap a few of the better views from Desert Hot Springs and a few from our visit with Gracie today.  They follow.

Desert Hot Springs view from the first tee of the golf course.  It really is a beautiful area, but the campsites for "transient" RV'rs are not so appealing.

 Mountain view from the driveway at Desert Hot Springs

 Our "tight" conditions at Desert Hot Springs

 View from our current location - Shadow Hills in Indio

 That's Blue  Boy backed up to the pond here at Shadow Hills on a grass site.  We booked this for Gracies recovery so she would not have to be outside in dirt, but those plans did not go as originally anticipated.

 Our visit with Gracie today - as you can see, she really looks good.  It's just the damn blood tests that indicate she is a sick puppy - and the fact that she vomited her light lunch today after about 36 hours of light eating with no problems was such a setback.  But we are hopeful things will turn better tomorrow.

Weather turned a little today.  Partly cloudy, windy, but still warm.  The bad weather forecasted for this area really is more applicable for the coast.  We have a mountain range taking the brunt of the current system.  Locals say the forecasts for rain never pan out.

Monday, February 14, 2011


It's Monday evening.
Last night we got the call we were hoping for from the surgeon to bring Gracie in this morning at 7:45 for her operation.  He did not have to show up for jury duty today so we were good to go. There was obvious concern, however, when we told him she had been vomiting every time she ate.
We were told the blood work would need to be done first and if the news was bad he would call soon.
We got the call soon!
Bad things showed up as far as kidney function was concerned and a few more minor issues.
No operation today.  And not for at least 7-10 days after current issues resolved.
Kidney problem much more serious to address first.
So Gracie is at the hospital tonight and maybe for several more until they get her problems figured out.
Could be as simple as dehydration or as serious as - I don't want to go there right now.
They don't know and we don't know.
The good news is she seems pretty normal in all other respects given her torn ACL - and she is even getting around better with it.  She seems happy and her tail wags and she is drinking and urinating OK - all good signs.  The vet said she is a "model" patient.  So it may turn out to be something not too bad.  It's still bad, but maybe not as serious as indicated by her blood work done today.  The doctor said another several days left untreated might have resulted in kidney failure.  She is on an IV and no food to see if her system can get back to normal. More blood work in the morning to see if she is responding to the treatment to rehydrate her and settle her digestive system down.
If the numbers improve, we are good.  If she does not respond to current treatment we are advised to take her to San Diego or LA for special treatment.  Our current vet, while a great vet, has specialized in surgery.  His office is not equipped or staffed to continue the treatment he has been providing as a courtesy so far.  Don't get me wrong!  We love him!  It's just that he is a surgeon.  He simply cannot economically treat her problem if it does not go away in a few days.  A specialist will be required.
We are planing on good news tomorrow morning.  Have to be positive! And will adjust the trip accordingly. Gracie is our main concern. We will keep you informed.
Your southwest and sad correspondents.....Peace

Saturday, February 12, 2011


Gracie seems to coping with her leg injury as well as can be expected.
She exhibits moments of her "old self" at times and that is really encouraging.
However, about all she cares to do in the way of movement is to hobble across the street to an empty site to do her "business".

Talked to the vet twice yesterday (Friday). Once they called just to check up on how Gracie was doing without the medication, and the second call was to tell us the Dr would be able to go online Sunday night to see if he would need to show up for jury duty on Monday.  If he does not have to go in on Monday he will call us ASAP on Sunday and will do the surgery first thing Monday morning.  Yea!!

We really felt bad the aspirin we gave her prevented an earlier surgery, even two days sooner than planned will make us all feel better,  and Gracie will be two days closer to recovery.

Drove around the area yesterday (Desert Hot Springs, Thousand Palms, Indio, Coachella, La Quinta, Palm Desert, Cathedral City, and Palm Springs) just to see how the rich an famous live.  Lots of Rolls Royces, Bentleys, ?????, and Mercedes are a dime a dozen.  Golf courses everywhere!  And views beyond description.  I was hoping to see a lot of young, beautiful women (forget the cars) but all I saw was old women driving beautiful young cars.

We drove past our next RV park so stopped in to have a look at our new home come Monday.  It's a wonderful resort, with all the ammenities, and we have a grassy campsite for Gracie to relax after her surgery.  We will be there for a guaranteed six night stay and we are on the list for an additional four if anything opens up.  We made a dry run to the vet from there just to "nail down" our route, but with the news we got yesterday about a possible Monday morning surgery we will drive her in on Monday morning (about 30 minutes from here), come back to pack up, and then move to the new spot.

I will make an effort to take some pictures of this area and post tonight or tomorrow so you can get a feel of the area, but we are not doing anything in the way of walks or hikes or siteseeing as we don't want to leave Gracie alone.

That's it for now.  Our weather has remained perfect.  I see yours is warming up next week and maybe will melt all the snow.

Thanks for checking in.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Desert Hot Springs

We moved!

19 days in Anza-Borrego State Park.
9 days at Springs of Borrego RV Resort.
A full month in Borrego!

Tonight we are in Desert Hot Springs in an RV park.  It is OK, but we sure don't see the attraction for all the activity here.  Great weather is obvious, but most are here for the winter and golf at the numerous courses.  We came here to be close to Gracie's Vet.  They had space for us to stay 2 weeks or more  but we only signed up for one night so we could test the viability for two or more weeks.  Probably will stay 4 nights total and then move on.  Just not to our liking.  Found an RV park in Indio we had been in for two nights several years ago but can only stay 6 nights and can't get in until Monday. It's a lot nicer than here and only 8 minutes from the Vet Clinic so it's even closer yet. We booked it and that will get us through Gracie's surgery and her release from the Clinic.  From there we will probably "get out of town" and wonder through the desert towards Carpinteria for our 8 day reservation on the Pacific Ocean.  Then we need to come back here for her two week follow-up and stitch removal.

Started Gracie on some good medicine for pain relief last night but she did not react well to it.  It seemed to help as she was getting up and down from the sofa by herself and exibited a lot more interest in everything, but by late afternoon was vomiting.  Called the vet (surgeon) and he told us to stop all medication.  It's good stuff, but not all dogs handle it well.  Safer to let her go without.  But she is doing well tonight.  Sure wish surgury was not still 6 days away!

We'll get through this!

No new pictures.  You've seen all of Borrego Springs I'm sure you want to see.  Nothing here worthwhile from the RV park to share with you.  We'll find some "stuff" of interest in the next few days to post.

The BTCruisers

Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 47 update

Spent two hours in consultation with the veterniary specialist today.  He was very through and patient and we did not feel as though he was trying to pressure us into anything.  He has been specializing in TPLO (tibial plateau leveling osteotomy) for 10 years. We decided to schedule the surgery with him but can not get in until a week from Wednesday at the earliest.  I gave Gracie aspirin to help her with pain and that was a mistake if surgery is to be performed within 8-10 days.  He doubted he could have scheduled her this Wednesday anyway but it might have been possible if not for the aspirin I gave her.  Too big a chance for excessive bleeding while on aspirin.

And Monday, he has been called to jury duty.  He is fairly confident he will "get out of it" due to his profession but will not know for sure until then.  So for now, we wait for the green light on Monday.  If Gracie gets in next Wednesday she will spend the night with the doctor and we will be able to bring her home on Thursday.  The Doctor actually spends the night with his patients to insure all goes well.  Unbelieveable!

Will need to return for a two week follow-up and stich removal appointment so we are not sure of our plans for the immediate future.  We also need to return after two months for a final evaluation of the proceedure.  Not really too sure about anything at this time.  Kind of a sharp blow to our trip (and finances).  But a small consolation is if we have to "hang out" anywhere for two months to "fix" Gracie, there is no better weather to be found.  It's not that we can't leave the immediate area, just need to pass through here on our way home.  So we will still explore California, but our range will be limited so we can return for the final evaluation.  However, there may be some options for the final evaluation if we simply do not want to return here if we can at least get to another "Board Certified" vet approved by our chosen Doctor.

Anyway, we will work it all out.

Pictures are loading tonight so here they are:

One sad camper

Sorry to bore you with our "views" from the campground, but we have not been able to do much except drive to dog doctors.  Getting back "home" to this is very comforting.

The edge of our overflow parking lot campsite

Saturday night sunset

The limit of Gracie's world.  We can "set" her out in the sand but she can't (won't) go anywhere so we sit out there with her.

Looking back at the park office from our "perch"

Good Night!

DAY 47

It's Monday and we are getting ready to drive Gracie into Palm Desert to see a veterinary specialist.
She had not improved by Friday morning so we made a run into Brawley (about 65 miles away) to see a vet - the nearest one.  X-rays all but confirmed a torn ACL.  That requires surgery and the Brawley vet was not able to do that type of proceedure.  He recommended a clinic in Palm Desert that has a vet who is current on the latest techniques.  We made a call Saturday morning and set up a consultation for 11:00am today.  Palm Desert is about 2 hours away.  With luck, we can get her scheduled for the operation as soon as Wednesday.  If so we will come back here to Borrego Springs for our last night and move to an RV park close to the animal hospital tomorrow.

Won't know until we talk to the specialist exactly what will happen or when, so what I just said could change.  Poor Gracie.  She seems so depressed.  She is able to put slight pressure on her bad knee and can "do her business" as long as we lift her in and out of the Rv (thank God).  Otherwise she just lays down and looks at us with those sad eyes.

So, got to finish and go to Palm Desert.

I'll put a few pictures below but they are just from the RV resort.  We have been unable to leave Gracie to do anything for ourselves.  We did opt to stay in the dry camping parking lot instead of the spot we had reserved for 4 days starting yesterday.  The parking lot is far better than the "hired help" area.  Put the HDTV on the side of the RV and watched the Super Bowl outside.  It got to 82 yesterday and with the game starting at 3:30 local time we saw the first half in the sun and the second half with the sun setting.  It stayed warm enough to finish the game, but did need to put some warmer clothes on.

Ellen fixed a "killer" dinner of lamb and mashed potatoes with guacamole & grilled tortilla chips for an appetizer.

Pictures wouldn't load.  Out of time to retry.  I'll try again tonight after we get back.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Day 44

It's Friday morning and a cold 27 outside.  But it was 24 yesterday morning so it's warming back up.
We moved yesterday from a site with water and electricity to the overflow parking lot with no hook-up's (dry camping).  I think I already explained that.

But, we got an end spot with a view to die for and no one on either side of us so we don't feel crowded.  Pictures below will say it all.

I think the cold spell we had the last two days is over so we look forward to more time in the sun today.  Being a cold day yesterday we drove 130 miles round-trip to Indian Wells to grocery shop.  Prices are high in Borrego Springs and selection is poor at best.  So we stocked up on food, alcohol, and all the other necessities of camping.  Considering we had to change sites in the morning (packing up from one and moving to another area and then reset up), the trip into "town" took most of the daylight hours.

We did find one of our favorite "hamburger joints" - In N' Out Burger in Indio and indulged in a 3x3 (That's three patties of hamburger and three patties of cheese).  They have a doggie menu as well and the grils ordered a single patty each.
Unbelievable business these places do!

Anyway, being late in the afternoon after we got back and unloaded the car I noticed the dog run was empty so I took the girls over for a little off-leash exercise having been in the back of the car most of the day.  I was throwing the ball for Gracie (Isabelle could care less about playing ball) and got her pretty wore-out.  As Ellen got to the dog run (I was going to throw the ball for her too because she spent most of the day in the car) I threw the ball one last time for Gracie and as she took off running she let out a "yelp" and raised her back leg and could not walk.  Had to get the car and drive her back to the RV.  I don't know what happened.  If it doesn't show any improvement this morning we may have to take her to Brawley about 60 miles away - the closest vet in the area - for x-rays.  She's still sleeping as I type so I'm not sure yet how she will be today.  With luck, she'll just be a little sore.  If's it's more - we'll be going to Brawley.

So she's starting to wake up.  I'll put some pictures on below.
More later.

View from the dog run at Tee #3

View of our new site taken from the dog run

The dog run

Pictures of our site - not too bad for an overflow parking lot - and here the nightly fee is only $27.00

Still can use the satellite dish with the new little (and quiet) Honda generator

This is my bed!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day 42 and more Borrego Springs

We made the move to Springs of Borrego RV Resort yesterday without any problems.
The park is for all practical purposes full for the season (not only this year but next year as well).
But the they have 8 "campground" sites (water & electricity) used for park employees which are available to people like us who don't reserve a year or two in advance when not needed for the hired help.  We got into one of those sites for 2 nights, then 3 nights in the "dry camping" (no hookups) overflow parking lot, then back into the "campground" for 4 nights. We don't have a manicured and paved site to park on, but we still have use of all the resort has to offer - pool, hot tub, exercise room, golf course, etc.  And it's less than half the normal fees! That really makes me a happy camper!

It's 9 additional days in Borrego Springs - then we promise you won't hear Borrego Springs again. 

We will be heading to Joshua Tree National Park, then maybe Desert Hot Springs, might try out some San Bernardino County Parks in  the Victorville CA area, and on to Carpinteria State Park just south of Santa Barbara for an 8 day stay on an ocean campsite.  That will put us on the road North to maybe wine country on March 4th.  But there is lots of time to change our mind between now and then!

Yesterday was very pleasant.  Today the cold front that is effecting most of the country is giving us a mid 50's high and some windy gusts.  Too cold to sit outside, but still sunny.

Some pictures of the resort -

Our "campground" site

Our view

The wildlife

The good life

Sister Beth - do I look happy here?

Gracie got a new "pet" rabbit - Rocky
He's giving her a nasty stare and she is not going to take much more

Yep!  She's letting Rocky know who the boss is

All the clouds we saw today were at sunset

Just a couple golf course pictures