The Weather We Left Behind

THE WEATHER WE LEFT BEHIND Click for Elkhart, Indiana Forecast

Monday, March 14, 2011

Day 82 (I Think)

Anyway, it's Monday and we came into town to "lunch" and blog.
Pictures below are the ones I couldn't load last night.

We were in the rv w/ tow car so had to park down the road in a semi lot and walk to Salt Lick

As we got closer we saw they even had a winery


Howdieeeeeeeeeee  (and don't forget to look at my boots)

The smoking pit inside.  There is a big one not visible that smokes all day.  They then just bring out front what they need immediately

Jim's Ribs, beans, and potato salad

Ellen's combo platter of sausage, pork, and brisket

One Happy Cow girl

One happy cowboy

Chincia - I saw this boot and thought of you - Jjjjiiiiiiimmmmmmmm

Issy and I went for a 10 mile run

1 comment:

  1. Oh Jiiimmmmmmmm I love you thought of me with the flowers in the boot. I love it! EJ you know I love your boots. Isabelle looks like she may have paw painted in the sand that's a great picture. Camp looks great. All the pictures are awesome. I know you had to go to town and download but I really enjoy them. It always makes me feel closer to you guys somehow.
    Miss you and love you all.
