The Weather We Left Behind

THE WEATHER WE LEFT BEHIND Click for Elkhart, Indiana Forecast

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

DAY 69

We decided yesterday to head East Thursday morning and not go to the coast and up into wine country as originally planned.  We have spent too much time in this area (49 days) to continue further West and then North up the California coast.

Plans (which usually change) are to head to the Scottsdale/Mesa, AZ area first.
Then maybe Padre Island National Seashore.
Galveston Island could be a stop.
Then, if time allows, maybe even to the Florida panhandle before heading North for home.

We've spent the last four days thinking of Gracie and how much happiness she brought to our lives.  We miss her so much.  Many people here at Shadow Hills RV had got to know Gracie and kept up daily on her progress.  It's been extremely difficult explaining to everyone, one at a time, that she didn't make it.  They certainly mean well, don't get me wrong, it just is hard on us to have to tell the story so many times.

Isabelle is starting to show signs of missing her sister.  She seems very depressed.  As a diversion for the three of us we drove up into the mountains and found snow.  There is actually quite a bit of it up there from the storm last Friday and Saturday.  We got some rain here in the valley, but the mountains to the West got hammered with snow.  We found a park and let Isabelle out to play in the snow.  She loved it!  On the way home we stopped for an In & Out burger for some food therapy.  If you've ever had one you know what I mean.  If you've never had one you don't know what your missing.
Isn't this a heart stopping picture!

 Isabelle "going nuts"

 Country Club Drive

 There are thousands and thousands of these wind generators as you approach Palm Springs from the West.


  1. Isabelle i bet that snow felt good. But I bet having nice weather is better. Yummy those burgers and fries are great.
    Thanks for the pictures.
    Thinking of you all as always.

  2. Uncle Jim & Aunt Ellen: We were so saddened to hear of the loss of Miss Gracie. Love, The Coshows
