I see some "hits" on the counter already so I guess some people Ellen has given our "cards" to have taken the time to check the website. So far only blank pages because we haven't left yet - at least physically. But, in our minds, we are "on the road again" already.
So, for those of you who are new to our travels, here is just a little history.
We bought the RV 5 years ago. It's a Gulfstream "BTCruiser". Thus our blog name - The BTCruisers. RV owners MUST name their rigs so we call ours "Blue Boy" as his primary colors are blue/grey. He is a 30' Class C and we tow a Honda CRV behind it. I'll include a picture below.
We started blogging simply as a way to share our travels with families and friends who wanted to stay informed of where we were, what we were doing, and pictures, pictures, pictures of what we were seeing. It's become a way to communicate as well by leaving your comments to us on the blog so we know what's new with you as well. So, if you have any interest at any time in any of the above, please check the blog. And feel free to leave comments. It's the only way we have of knowing who is following along with us.
Our stays in most places are short because we like to wander around and cover a lot of country while we are out. Usually internet and cell phone service is available to us, but not always. Some days will have no posts when internet service is not available - obviously no internet, no blogging. And some times we are able to get a "slow" internet service which will allow posting our updates, but not pictures. When that happens I'll usually go back to the day the pictures were taken and update the post so the pictures match the "verbage". I'll let you know when I do that so you can look back if you want to.
Finally, there are links posted on the home page of this blog to our past travel blogs if you would like to see where we have been.
Introducing - Blue Boy